searches in title

Results 181 to 190 out of 223.

 Author  Title  Type  Publication Date
Marianne Håkansson The Swedish Government Official Report about unlawful discrimination Report June 2, 2001
The Swedish Goverment The Swedish Personal Data Act Other February 2, 1998
Nicos Trimikliniotis and Corina Demetriou Thematic Legal Study on impact of the Race Equality Directive National Report for Cyprus Annual Report
Survey on attitudes towards Turkish Cypriots (in greek) Other
Frances McGinnity, Jacqueline Nelson, Pete Lunn and Emma Quinn Discrimination in Recruitment Evidence from a Field Experiment Research
Philip J. O’Connell and Frances McGinnity Immigrants at Work Ethnicity and Nationality in the Irish Labour Market Research
Marko Hajdinjak Thou Shalt Not Take the Names Ethnic or Minority, and I Will Bless Thee Research
E. Cediey and F. Foroni Discrimination in access to employment on grounds of foreign origin in France Report
Christoph Witoszynskyj, Winfried Moser Integration und soziale Inklusion im organisierten Sport Study
Pavlou M.(ed.) - various authors RAXEN reports 2006-2010 Report

Results 181 to 190 out of 223.