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October 29, 2012
Identification checks based on skin colour constitutes a violation of Germany’s anti-discrimination
June 15, 2012
Hatred stirred up against German soccer player with a migration background
May 1, 2012
Youth centre in Neuruppin attacked by right-wing demonstrators
April 30, 2012
Attacks against the local newsroom of the daily newsletter „Lausitzer Rundschau“
April 21, 2012
Guests of a local pub in Dortmund attacked
February 28, 2012
German Federal Police is authorized to conduct identity checks on the basis of a person’s appearance
January 31, 2012
National Action Plan Integration
January 24, 2012
Information and Competence Centre against Right-wing Extremism
December 16, 2011
Centre against Right-wing Violence
November 4, 2011
Right-wing terrorist cell in Germany