
    RED System Launch Press Release

    RED System Launch Agenda

The RED Network Combating Racism and Xenophobia announces the public launch of the RED Portal and of the Early Warning System and Atlas of Racism, Discrimination and Equality on 19th March 2012 in Brussels. RED System launch will take place at the Eurocities venue (Salle Meeûs, Square de Meeûs 1, 1000, Brussels) at 10:00 am.













The RED Network

The RED Network, is an independent research network building the RED early warning system composed of 17 Research and Civil Society Organisations in EU Member States. It aims at reporting and documenting racist and hate crime and discrimination situations and incidents, as well as positive initiatives and policy responses. i-RED,  Institute of Rights Equality & Diversity, based in Greece, is leading the RED Network. It perceives itself as a ‘watchdog’ and a reliable source of information. The general aim of the RED network - and as a consequence its major contribution - is to address the gaps in the current socio-political state of research regarding the support of timely and effective reporting on the situation of fundamental rights at national and EU level.

The RED portal is a map-based, user friendly independent tool providing a birds’ eye overview and a comparative insight of the situation regarding racism, xenophobia and discrimination against migrants and minorities, as well as positive and policy initiatives promoting equality  in different EU Member States (17 countries are covered in the RED System 1st implementation - 2012). Its main components are the RED Early Warning System and the RED Atlas of Racism, Discrimination & Equality.

The RED Early Warning System (EWS) is a map based web portal reporting on a real-time basis:

  • Racist & hate crime alerts/situations/incidents in EU Member States
  • Policy responses/positive initiatives regarding racism xenophobia and discrimination
  • Case Studies (combination of more of the above items for a more spherical understanding of situations and context)

RED Atlas of Racism, Discrimination and Equality.

Strength of the RED portal is the unique set of RED indicators built for the RED System and Atlas. A thorough set of 125 policy, legislation and factual questions/indicators and of 38 key statistic and demographic figures expands beyond the main areas combating racism, hate crime and discrimination  against migrants and minorities, to the themes of equality and good practice in the RED Network member states. The RED indicators range from qualitative to quantitative, and from legal to sociolegal and factual questions/indicators on anti-racism anti-discrimination and pro-equality legislation and its effective implementation in Member States. 

The RED Atlas  reports yearly and updates on a ‘real-time’ basis:

·         Country information on racism & discrimination legislation & policy implementation in key areas of legislation and social life (once & updates)

·         Country statistics of Racist-hate crime and discrimination (yearly)

·         Country statistics – demographics and economics of migrants & minorities (yearly)

·         Trends and developments in key anti-racist, anti-discrimination and pro-equality/diversity/integration legislation, implementation and social life areas:

  • Anti-discrimination Legislation & Implementation
  • Anti-racist Crime Legislation & Implementation
  • Political Parties-organisations - Racist & Xenophobic Discourse
  • Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
  • Policing - Law Enforcement - Justice
  • Employment
  • Housing & Segregation
  • Education
  • Health And Social Protection
  • Public Life, Culture, Sport & Media