Denial of entry of a Roma to a restaurant
In February 2012, the Court of Appeal in Poznań stated that the act of denial of entry of a Roma person to the restaurant was considered as discrimination. The Court stated that the attitude of the owner of the “Cuba Libre” club was unlawful. In December 2010, the plaintiff Adam G. together with four other people went to the “Cuba Libre” restaurant and was asked to leave by the security. According to Adam G., the security guard wanted to follow the guidelines of the club's owner according to which the Roma are not allowed in the restaurant. The Court obliged the owner to apologize to Adam G. in Gazeta Wyborcza and Głos Wielkopolski dailies as well as on the “Cuba Libre” club's website. Moreover, the Court adjudged her to pay 10,000 PLN for the Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Oświatowe Polskich Romów in Swarzędz (Wielkopolskie Cultural-Educational Association of Polish Roma in Swarzędz).
- Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka, 29.02.2012, Wyrok w sprawie niewpuszczenia Roma do klubu (Verdict on denial of entry of a Roma to the club),, Accessed on 12.12.2012.