On March 1st, 2011 an amendment of the Equal Treatment Act entered into force. The law requires mandatory income reports in order to reduce the gender pay gap and establishes that the minimum compensation for (sexual) harrassment shall be 1,000 Euro. Furthermore, discrimination on grounds of a close relationship to a person protected by the grounds laid down in the Equal Treatment Act shall be prohibided and discriminating advertisments in the field of housing are forbidden. The litigation association supported the amendment but criticized that the Equal Treatment Act still contains a hierarchy of grounds in reference to access to and provision of services and goods.

Sources: http://diestandard.at/1287099461580/Einkommenstransparenz-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz-ist-beschlossen (2011-10-06), http://www.frauen.bka.gv.at/site/5572/default.aspx (2011-10-06), http://www.klagsverband.at/archives/4831 (2011-10-06).