“Muslim should go to pray and pee in the desert”
Gentilini, vice major of Treviso, was charged with instigation to racial hatred for his declarations against immigrants11. During the meeting of the Northern League Party in Venice, in September 2008, he publicly sad that “Muslim should go to pray and pee in the desert”. He has been banned from participating at public electoral meetings for three years.
ENAR SHADOW REPORT 2009/2010 - Racism and Discrimination in Italy by Laura Di Pasquale - /resources/toolip/doc/2011/10/17/enar-italy-2009-2010.pdf
Treviso, «Gentilini istiga al razzismo». Comizi vietati per lo "sceriffo" della Lega - http://www.corriere.it/politica/09_ottobre_26/gentilini-condannato-istigazione-al-razzismo_852c8f60-c23e-11de-b592-00144f02aabc.shtml
Giancarlo Gentilini - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giancarlo_Gentilini