Code of Content Providing
The 'Regulation of Operations, Ethics, and Procedures with Respect to Content Providing', issued by the Hungarian Association of Content Providers (’Code of Content Providing’, last amended: 21.10.2009.[1]) sets up norms of content providing for online media. The document contains the following paragraph regarding hate speech on the internet:
’The Content Provider should strictly avoid expressions that are insulting to particular persons or groups of persons, as well as extremist manifestations of other kinds. Where it is appropriate, it may, however, give space to such views expressed by public persons: in such cases, it should be made clear that the Content Provider does not agree with this view, considering it incompatible with its own basic principles. It is the duty of the editors to determine the most appropriate way of noting this in every case‘ (Section V: ’Separation of the public and private spheres’, Article 1 ’Protection of personality rights’).
[1] Tartalomszolgáltatási Kódex [Code of Content Providing], (Date of access: 13.12.2011.)