The project[1] started in May 2009, aiming at the development of two-day training modules on 1) family policies, 2) education, 3) employment, 4) penalty policies. The latter addresses police officers, and focuses on combating homophobic hate crimes and awareness-raising on LGBT issues.

The training materials are prepared by expert groups, with the participation of researchers (Open Society Institute, Central European University, Max Planck Institute), NGO activists (Háttér Society, NEKI) and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Hungarian Equal Treatment Authority.

The project is implemented within the framework of Hungarian programme Együtt az egyenlőségért 2009-2010 [Together for Equality 2009-2010], co-funded by the EU PROGRESS Programme. The call for proposals was launched by the Hungarian Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (applications were selected by public procurement procedure).


[1] 'Érzékenyítő képzés szakembereknek' ['Awareness-raising training for professionals'], Háttér Society, (Date of access: 20. 02. 2012)