Victims Data
Victims Nationality/Ethnic Origin Hungarian
Victims Gender Male, Female
Victims Age 36-45
Victims Number 2
Fatalities - deaths 2
Perpetrators Data
Perpetrators Nationality/Ethnic Origin Hungarian
Perpetrator Gender N/A
Perpetrator Age N/A
Perpetrators Number N/A
Extremist/Organised Group Violence No

As reported by EÖKK NGO, an attack was committed in Nagycsécs - on 3 November 2008 -  where a 43-year-old Roma man and a 40-year-old Roma woman were shot dead in their home in Nagycsécs. According to the official investigation, petrol bombs (‘Molotov-cocktails’) were thrown into the house before the perpetrators used firearms to kill the members of the family.[1]

[1]     EÖKK (2009) Cigánynak lenni Magyarországon, Jelentés 2008 (Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research: A Roma's Life in Hungary. Report 2008), Budapest: Európai Összehasonlító Kisebbségkutatások Közalapítvány, p. 221.