Rabbi's home attacked by anti-Semitic vandals in Budapest
In March, 2010 a rabbi’s home in Budapest was attacked by anti-Semitic vandals who smashed the windows with stones during a seder holiday meal. A second attack occurred after the police had left the premise, but no suspects were arrested. The human rights NGO Hungarian Civil Liberties Union called ton he police to start an investigation regarding ‘violence against members of a community’ instead of ‘disorderly conduct.[1]
[1] 'TASZ: nem rongálás, közösség elleni erőszak' [Not 'disorderly conduct' but 'violence against members of a community'], INDEX.hu, 01.04.2010, available at: http://index.hu/belfold/2010/04/01/tasz_nem_rongalas_kozosseg_elleni_eroszak/ (Date of access: 19.02.2012).