After his election in 2007, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities, Mr Ernő Kállai (a person of Roma ethnic origin) decided to develop an active relationship with national and ethnic minorities, and to carry out ‘field visits’ and thematic field assessments. Especially the following investigations and reports attrackted attention, and are often referred to by decision makers, civil society actors and scholars:

- report on the  treatment of minorities - especially the Roma minority - by the police [1]

- joint report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection on ethnic data collection and procession[2]

- report on the implementation (and shortcomings)  of the programme "Employment of Roma in Public Administration and Justice [3]

- report on the situation of ethnic/national minority educationi: elementary school education [4] and pre-school (kindergarten) education[5]

From 1 January, 2012, the position of Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities does not exist anymore (it became merged into the position of Cs.[6]


[1] Jelentés a rendőrség kisebbségekkel kapcsolatos egyenlő bánásmódjának biztosítékrendszeréről és annak hiányosságairól (Report on the system of guarantees and shortcomings of the equal treatment of minorities by the police), available at: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)

[2] Dr. Kállai Ernő A Nemzeti és Etnikai Kisebbségi Jogok Országgyűlési Biztosa és Dr. Jóri András Adatvédelmi Biztos jelentése az etnikai adatok kezeléséről szóló vizsgálat megállapításairól (Joint report of Ernő Kállai, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities and András Jóri, Parliamentary Commissioner for Data Protection on the investigation on processing ethnic data), available at: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)

[3] Jelentés a „Romák foglalkoztatása a közigazgatásban és az igazságszolgáltatásban” című program vizsgálatáról (Report on the outcomes of the investigation on the programme "Employment of Roma in Public Administration and Justice), available at: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)

[4] Jelentés a nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségi általános iskolai nevelés-oktatás helyzetéről (Report on the situation of national/ethnic minority education - elementary schools), available at: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)

[5] A nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségi jogok országgyűlési biztosának jelentése a nemzeti és etnikai kisebbségi óvodai nevelés helyzetéről (Report of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities on the situation of pre-school education within the framework of ethnic/national minority education), available at: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)

[6] See the webpage of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Fundamental Rights: (Date of access: 12. 03. 2012.)