Through Order 286/29.08.2007, the National Council for Combating Discrimination (NCCD) approved the National Strategy for the implementation of measures for the prevention and combating of discrimination (2007-2013). The strategy sets the following objectives:

-         effective protection and remedy against discrimination;

-         ensuring inclusion and equality of chances in the economic field and in the field of employment and profession;

-         ensuring equality of access, participation and results in what regards public and private services destined to the large public;

-         intensifying the recognition and awareness of diversity regarding media, culture and sport;

-         focusing efforts on the implementation of a zero tolerance policy towards any forms of discrimination in the Romanian society.

In its annual reports, the NCCD presents various activities it has implemented during the year as being part of the Strategy.  [1] No independent assessment of the Strategy implementation is available.



1. NCCD Annual Reports are available scattered on the institution's website: (Accessed on 03.03.2012)