The Thessaloniki metropolis bishop gives hate speeches against migrants
The Thessaloniki metropolis bishop Anthimos gives frequently hate speeches against migrants right from the church altar or in major TV shows and news: “they should go back, they are all over the place, the place (the Athens Omonia square) became black” etc. The “Radio Arvyla” comedian group nicknamed him “BATMANthimos” and depicted him as hard rock guitarist. The Greek Radio TV Council has issued a report according to which this comic collage may constitute an insult of the bishop’s personality and goes beyond the ‘boundaries’ of comedy and satire. No actions whatsoever have been intitiated by any authoprity regarding the bishop’s public hate speech.
TVXS, Στο «εδώλιο» του ΕΣΡ οι «Aρβύλα» για τον Άνθιμο, 06.07.2010,
Media Industry Blogspot, 06.07.2010,