A shift in policy may be noted as a result of an investigation into the use of anonymous CVs. While the use of anonymous CVs is written into the Law on Equal Opportunities of the 31 March 2006, there has been no Order to make its use obligatory. Yet a survey conducted by researchers at the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST) ​​in partnership with Pôle Emploi (the Government employment agency), played down its significance and has even shown that it can be counterproductive. Following the publication of this investigation, the Commissioner for Diversity and Equal Opportunities (Commissaire à la Diversité et à l’Egalité des Chances) decided not to generalize the use of anonymous CVs.

 Law No. 2006-396 for Equal Opportunities, 31 March 2006, SOCX0500298L, legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000268539.