On 4 June 2011 a national day dedicated to the education of Roma children was organized by the Group for the Right to Education of Roma Children (Collectif pour le Droit à l’Education des Enfants Roms), whose campaign is supported by UNICEF, at the offices of the SNUIPP-FSU national education union. After the meeting, several unions called for a right to education for Roma children. In Lyon, a network was mobilized to obtain school places for these children.


  • Group for the Right to Education of Roma Children (Collectif pour le Droit à l’Education des Enfants Roms), 'The Group for the Right to Education of Roma Children organizes a national meeting on 4 June 2011', Press release, 31 May 2011, snuipp.fr/IMG/pdf/Communique_de_presse_CERDE.pdf.