Anti-Roma and Nazi graffiti in Nagykanizsa
On 29th May, in Nagykanizsa (Zala County), unknown perpetrators painted racist, anti-Roma messages and Nazi symbols on several buildings. The vandalized wall of the local shop featured a swastika, the name of Hitler, and the following inscriptions: “Gypsies you will die!” [“Megdögletek cigányok!”], “The ones marked with X will burn” [“X-el jelöltek égni fognak”]; while 12 other buildings in the town were marked by an X sign. The local authorities have stated that the police started an investigation against unknown perpetrators with charges based on the use of forbidden totalitarian symbols. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Integration has issued a statement in which the vandalizing act of Nagykanizsa is condemned in the name of the government.
-, 30.05.2012, Elfogadhatatlan a nagykanizsai fenyegetés [The threatening inscriptions in Nagykanizsa are unacceptable],, Accessed on 27.01.2013.