Anti-Semitism and Nazism at the Jewish cemetery
At the end of August, there was a case of vandalism at the Jewish cemetery in Wroclaw. In addition to the devastation, the perpetrator left behind slogans "Sieg Heil", "Jude raus", "Fu.. the Jews", swastikas and the inscription: "Jews were exterminated here". The police launched an investigation on the basis of Article 288 of the Criminal Code, which relates to the destruction of property. Such classification of the act gives rise to controversy, because it overlooks the issue of propagating ethnic hatred and the promoting totalitarian symbols by means of the symbols placed on the graves. Such actions are in fact severely penalized in Poland.
Source:, 2012, Dewastacja we Wrocławiu (Davastation in Wrocław),, Accessed on 05.12.2012