Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning Hungary For Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 39th Session. (July 23-August 10, 2007)
Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning Hungary For Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 39th Session. (July 23-August 10, 2007)
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) provides this parallel report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (hereafter “Committee”), commenting on the Sixth Periodic Report of Hungary, submitted under Article 18 of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (hereafter “Convention”).
This submission is based mostly upon factual research conducted by the ERRC with a mixed team of Romani and non-Romani women researchers, into the situation of Romani women in Hungary. Unless otherwise specified, the information included in this report refers to the findings of this research.
The need for a specific shadow report on the problems experienced by Romani women in Hungary flows from the numerous and serious problems that Romani women face with regard to their status within society as well as within their domestic/family environments, the lack of disaggregated data on the basis of sex and ethnicity and the lack of elaborated policies and programmes to address the specific situation of Romani women in the State report.
The research on which this report is based has confirmed that multiple and/or intersectional discrimination against Romani women is pervasive in Hungary. This is worrying in light of the fact that the Hungarian government has adopted several policies and laws to address the general situation of Roma in Hungary; clearly, these initiatives have not resulted in the desired improvement of the situation of Romani women.
This report aims to highlight key areas of concern for Romani women related to human rights enshrined in the Convention. It is the intention of the ERRC that this report will assist the Committee in arriving at a complete and more representative assessment of Convention matters concerning Romani women and will provide recommendations to the Hungarian government for improving the situation of Romani women in Hungary.
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC), 2007, Written Comments of the European Roma Rights Centre Concerning Hungary For Consideration by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 39th Session. (July 23-August 10, 2007), http://www.errc.org/cms/upload/media/03/7A/m0000037A.pdf, Accessed on 27.01.2013.