Overall numbers of racist & hate crime
- Austria
There is no accurate data on racist and hate crime.
Over the period 2005-2009 breakdown offered by the police is as follows: (The total does not add up to 37 as some of the incidents extend to more than one classification of the categories of incidents):
- Thirteen instances of violence against the person;
- Twenty four instances of violence against property;
- Four instances of verbal threats and abusive behaviour – including harassment and hate speech;
The overall number of racist and hate crimes in 2010 was 334 cases.
- Finland
2012 Official figures of the Ministry of the Interior regarding racist violence (January-September): Anti-Semitism: 432 acts and threats, Anti-Muslim: 140 acts and threats, Racism and xenophobia: 571 acts and threats.
Overall number of politically motivated right-wing crimes increased
No official data available. 267 cases from 2007 to 2012 have been reported at the i-RED Database on Racist Violence.
20 registered cases, 14 prosecuted cases.
Most recent statistics are availalble up to 2010.
142 hate crime (year: 2009).
The prosecutorial system recorded 158 new proceedings reffering to racism in the first six months of 2012.
There are no overall numbers for racist and hate-motivated crimes. Such definition is not used by the entities that collect data on racism.
There is no official data collection and information gathering mechanism that addresses specifically racist hate crime throughout the judicial system.
52 cases of public incitement to hatred, violence or intolerance (Article 297 of the Criminal Code), handled by the police in 2011 and 37 cases in the first half of 2012.
1 case of violation of right to equality (Article 131 of the Criminal Code), handled by the police in 2011.
No official data. Spain is one of the few European Union countries that does not have statistics.
Yes. In 2011, there were 3936 reported cases of racist and xenophobic hate crimes.