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Non governmental organisations whose principal objectives relate to opposing/undermining racism and racist activity

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
22/02/2012 - 16:48
Short Answer

There are many NGOs in Austria, whose principal objectives relate to opposing/undermining racism and racist activity.

Qualitative Info

There are many NGOs in Austria, whose principal objectives relate to opposing/undermining racism and racist activity. The following list presents a selection of most prominent NGOs operating in this field:


ZARA - Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit (civil courage and anti-racism work) was founded in 1999. The NGO has the aim to promote civil courage and a non racist society in Austria as well as to combate all forms of racism. The work of the NGO is based on three pillars: counselling, prevention and awareness raising. Concerning counselling, ZARA provides information, support and (legal) advice to victims and witnesses of racism free of charge. In order to promote the prevention of racism ZARA offers trainings, workshops, lectures and information in the field of diversity-management and corporate consulting. The most important tool in the field of awareness raising is the annual racism report containing a qualitative collection of racist incidents documenting the prevalence and forms of racism in Austria.


SOS Mitmensch is a pressure group aiming at enforcing human rights, equal opportunities and equity. The main emphasis of its work is on anti-racism, migration & integration, asylum, democracy & rule of law and social movements. SOS Mitmensch observes the human rights situation in Austria and intervenes in case of human rights violations. The NGO also drafts proposals aiming at promoting the improvement of and compliance with fundamental rights. SOS Mitmensch further supports persons and initiatives working in the field of human rights and is involved in building up networks in this field. Furthermore, the NGO also renders assistance in indivudal cases provided that societal problems can be addressed in its sturctural dimension. The organisation also organises discussions and information campaigns.


Asyl in Not (asylum in distress) is a Vienna-based NGO supporting foreigner who are victims of political persecution. Asyl in Not advocates the right to asylum and the respect for human rights. The NGO provdes legal counselling, legal representation and social support for asylum seekers during and after asylum procedures.


The Initiative Minderheiten was founded in 1991 and is carrying out socio-political, educational and cultural projects. The NGO functions as a platform, network and intermediary of minorities in Austria. The Initiative Minderheiten aims at promoting the recognition and equal treatment of minorities irrespective of ethnic or social origin, religious belief, sexual orientation and disabilities. The NGO is committed to provide support and information for members of minorities and their organisations. The initiative provides lectures, events, libraries and information and works for the establishment of meeting places.

Further NGOs are the International Center for Black African Perspectives, the Kulturverein Kanafani, the Initiative Muslimischer ÖsterreicherInnen or the Pan African Forum in Austria.


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Islamophobia, Afrophobia, Arabophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Integration - social cohesion
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