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Primary education population of pupils with Roma parents

Key Area:
Migration & Minority Demographics/Statistics
Demographics & Economics
13/03/2012 - 19:04
Short Answer

“Currently, the Traveller community is the only minority ethnic group who are statistically visible in the Irish education system. However, a report on education compiled by the National Focal Point of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) drew attention to the limitations of data collection in relation to minority ethnic groups.”

- Roma Educational Needs in Ireland (2005

Qualitative Info

City of Dublin VEC in association with Pavee Point Travellers Centre and the Roma Support Group published a report called ‘Roma Educational Needs in Ireland: Context and Challenges. This report aims to “profile the Roma community in Ireland, indicate current provision and issues effecting access and participation identify models of good practice internationally and devise recommendations for future provision.”

% of general school population
Main groups
Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, National minorities
Type (R/D) Anti-roma/zinghanophobia, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Integration - social cohesion, Daily life
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