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Evidence of modifying school curricula and teaching materials can be modified to reflect the diversity of the school population

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13/03/2012 - 13:40
Short Answer

The Irish government has put forth a strategy entitled, ‘Intercultural Education Strategy 2010-2015,’ which outline a clear commitment to ensure that; “all students experience an education that “respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership” (Education Act, 1998).” However there is no specific mention of modifying of curricula.

Qualitative Info

The strategy aims to achieve its goals through the following actions:

·        “Proactive leadership; leaders must believe that “integration is a dynamic two way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and residents of Member States”, including Ireland. This is one of the eleven EU Common Basic Principles for Integration (EU Council, 2004). (See Appendix 4 for a full list of the EU Principles).”

·        “Awareness raising and recognition of the importance of diversity through training of teachers/ lecturers and the provision of information on the Irish education system to immigrants.”

·        “Research to establish what progress is being made towards ensuring that all students, including immigrants, are achieving to their full potential.”


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Majority, Africans/black people
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Integration - social cohesion
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23/02/2013 - 14:43
Short Answer

The Irish government has put forth a strategy entitled, ‘Intercultural Education Strategy 2010-2015,’ which outline a clear commitment to ensure that; “all students experience an education that “respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership” (Education Act, 1998).” However there is no specific mention of modifying of curricula.

Qualitative Info


The strategy aims to achieve its goals through the following actions:

·        “Proactive leadership; leaders must believe that “integration is a dynamic two way process of mutual accommodation by all immigrants and residents of Member States”, including Ireland. This is one of the eleven EU Common Basic Principles for Integration (EU Council, 2004). (See Appendix 4 for a full list of the EU Principles).”

·        “Awareness raising and recognition of the importance of diversity through training of teachers/ lecturers and the provision of information on the Irish education system to immigrants.”

·        “Research to establish what progress is being made towards ensuring that all students, including immigrants, are achieving to their full potential.”


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Majority, Africans/black people
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Health and social protection, Education, Culture, Political discourse -parties - orgs, Political participation, Anti-discrimination, Anti-racism, Integration - social cohesion
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