Qualitative Info |
SOS Racismo [SOS Racism], http://www.sosracismo.pt
With a pioneering role in addressing the problem of racism in Portuguese society, SOS Racismo is perhaps the anti-racist organisation best known for its presence in the Portuguese public sphere. The creation of SOS Racismo was prompted by several violent attacks by extreme-right groups in the late 80' and early 1990, which led the group of people who was to found SOS Racismo to take a stand and react against what was perceived as a threat. SOS Racismo was founded in 1990, formally constituted in 1993 and legally recognised as a non-profit association. In 1996, following a petition to the government, its statute as Pessoa Colectiva de Utilidade Pública [Collective Person of Public Utility] was recognised.
SOS Racismo is commited to the fight against racism and xenophobia and to the defence of the rights of immigrants and ethnic minorities. Its primary areas of intervention are juridical support, education, intervention and debates in schools, public denunciation of acts of racism and xenophobia. In the past SOS Racism had delegations in 12 different cities, presently SOS Racismo has a head office in Lisbon and a delegation in Oporto, two of the main Portuguese cities.
Frente Anti-Racista (FAR) [Anti-racist Front], http://www.frenteantiracista.pt
The Frente Anti-Racista was created in 1994 and legally recognised as a non-profit association, with the commitement to defend immigrants rights and combat racism and xenophobia. Its primary areas of intervention are public sentitization about living conditions of immigrants, contact with youth and schools, public denunciation and combating racism and xenophobia. FAR has a head office in Lisbon and is organised with volunteers and associates.
Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (APAV) [Portuguese Victim Support Association], http://www.apav.pt
The Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (APAV) is a voluntary non-profit charitable organisation, legally recognised as a Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS) [Private Charitable Institution] under the status of Pessoa Colectiva de Utilidade Pública [Collective Person of Public Utility]. Founded in 1990, APAV initiated its activities within the context of a growing awareness of crime victims’ rights and of the establishment of legal procedural instruments, both on a national and international level, geared towards protecting and supporting victims.
APAV established itself as a nation-wide association which, according to its statutes, has as its main goal to foster and contribute to providing information, protection and support to victims of criminal offences confidentially and free of charge. Alongside its mission of providing support and assistance, APAV carries out training and further education activities in the field of victim support, promotes research work and information campaigns through national and international projects, shares knowledge and good practices with European and International organisations and carries out public awareness campaigns.
APAV includes a head office in Lisbon, a national network of fifteen Victim Support Offices, a network of shelter-houses for women and children who have been the victims of domestic violence and launched in May 2005 the Unidade de Apoio à Vítima Imigrante e de Discriminação Racial ou Étnica (UAVIDRE) [Unit for the Support of Immigrant Victims and Victims of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination]. The UAVIDRE network is present in the Lisbon head office, in the Unidade de Apoio à Vítima Migrante e de Discriminação dos Açores (UAVMD) [Unit for the Support of Migrant Victims and Victims of Discrimination of Azores] and in the Centro Local de Apoio à Integração de Imigrantes de Vila Real (CLAII) [Local Support Centre for Immigrants Integration in Vila Real].
Solidariedade Imigrante - Associação para a Defesa dos Direitos dos Imigrantes (SOLIM) [Immigrant Solidarity - Association for the Defense of Immigrants' Rights], http://www.solimigrante.org
Solidariedade Imigrante is a non-profit nationwide immigrant association founded in 2001, with juridical personality, recognised by the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue [ACIDI). Its main objective is the defence of immigrants rights through their empowerment and the promotion of a demanding citizenship, having as main areas of intervention: to draw the immigrant communities into actions that help to create an active citizenship’s conscience and a feeling of belonging, promoting their participation and organisation in several activities, with autonomy and responsibility; to promote the social and labour insertion of immigrant’s and their descendents; to fight racism and xenophobia, and to promote interculturality and diversity; to promote the knowledge, among the Portuguese society, of the reality of immigration in Portugal, sensitizing it in a perspective of human rights, equality of opportunities and social justice.
Solidariedade Imigrante has a head office in Lisbon and a network of four delegations: two in the Lisbon region and other two in the South of Portugal.
Associação Olho Vivo [Alive Eye Association], http://www.olho-vivo.org
Olho Vivo is a non-profit nationwide non-governmental organisation founded in 1998 with an intervention in the defence of the Patrimony, Environment and Human Rights. In 1998 Olho Vivo adhered to the European Network Against Racism and is co-founder of the Anti-Racist Network in Portugal.
Olho Vivo has a head office in Queluz (Sintra) and two other Gabinetes de Apoio à Cidadania [Support to Citizenship Cabinets] in Oporto and Braga (North of Portugal) which provide support to victims of racism and xenophobia among victims of other offences.
Dias, B., Freitas, I., Ralha, T and Silva, E. (2005), Special Study - Organisations Supporting Victims of Racial Discrimination in Portugal, Viena: European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC).
Organisations homepages:
Associação Olho Vivo [Alive Eye Association], http://www.olho-vivo.org, Date of access: 20.02.2012.
Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima (APAV) [Portuguese Victim Support Association], http://www.apav.pt, Date of access: 20.02.2012.
Frente Anti-Racista (FAR) [Anti-racist Front], http://www.frenteantiracista.pt, Date of access: 20.02.2012.
Solidariedade Imigrante - Associação para a Defesa dos Direitos dos Imigrantes (SOLIM) [Immigrant Solidarity - Association for the Defense of Immigrants' Rights], http://www.solimigrante.org, Date of access: 20.02.2012.
SOS Racismo [SOS Racism], http://www.sosracismo.pt, Date of access: 20.02.2012. |