17/02/2012 - 16:08
Short Answer |
Reference to immigrants, ethnic minorities and diversity in education is present in some measures concerning teachers training in interculturality. |
Qualitative Info |
The Third Report on Portugal published by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) refers to the initiatives taken by the Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural (ACIDI) [High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue] designed to raise the awareness of non-Roma teachers and pupils to Roma culture.
According to the report Complementary Data Collection - Contribution from Portugal to the Annual Report of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (2009) the Gabinete de Apoio à Comunidade Cigana (GACI) [Cabinet for Roma Communities Support] has been suppporting the training of teachers in Roma culture and history to facilitate their work with children and their families.
According to the same report, in order to facilitate intercultural teaching and learning the Ministério da Educação [Ministry of Education] and the Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural (ACIDI) [High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue] provided the schools with intercultural material. The Ministry of Education provided the General guidelines for the Teaching of Portuguese as a Second Language for secondary education, an Handbook for Citizenship and a Reference Book of Portuguese for speakers of other languages. The High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue created two websites dedicated to the theme of interculturality: Entreculturas (for an adult public) and Entrekulturas (for a younger audience), and produced a leaflet on cultural diversity to be distributed in schools. All these measures are developed in the ambit of the Plano para a Integração dos Imigrantes (PII) [Plan for Immigrant Integration].
The I Plano para a Integração dos Imigrantes (PII, 2007-2009) [I Plan for Immigrant Integration] and the II Plano para a Integração dos Imigrantes (PII, 2010-2013) [II Plan for Immigrant Integration] reserves some measures concerning teachers training.
The I Plan for Immigrant Integration included the measures: training of teaching staff in interculturality; to expand and encourage the training and research in the field of intercultural education (p. 16).
The II Plan for Immigrant Integration covering the period 2010-2013 includes the measures: reinforcing training in intercultural dialogue as part of Continuous Teacher Training, by strengthening continuous training in the form of short-term vocational training and training workshops organized by teacher training centres (p. 20).
ACIDI (2007), I Plan for Immigrant Integration (2007-2009), http://www.acidi.gov.pt/_cfn/4d346c9b80687/live/Consulte+a+versão+do+Plano+2007-2009+em+inglês+, Date of access: 26.01.2012.
ACIDI (2010), II Plan for Immigrant Integration (2010-2013), http://www.acidi.gov.pt/_cfn/4d346c9b80687/live/Consulte+a+versão+da+Plano+2010-2013+em+Inglês, Date of access: 26.01.2012.
ACIDI, (2010), Relatório Final: I Plano para a Integração de Imigrantes (2007-2009), http://www.acidi.gov.pt/_cfn/4d346c9b80687/live/Conheça+o+Relatório+Final+do+PII+%282007-2009%29, Date of access: 26.01.2012.
Dias, B. Ralha, T. and Silva, E. (2009), Complementary Data Collection - Contribution from Portugal to the Annual Report of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
ECRI (2007), Third Report on Portugal, Strasbourg: Council of Europe, http://hudoc.ecri.coe.int/XMLEcri/ENGLISH/Cycle_03/03_CbC_eng/PRT-CbC-III-2007-4-ENG.pdf, Date of access: 27.02.2012. |
Groups affected/interested |
Roma & Travelers,
Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D) |
Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas |
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Situation(s) |
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