Romania - 2012
Differential unemployment levels/rates of migrants?
- Code:
- RED54
- Key Area:
- Employment
- Strand(s):
- Discrimination
Short Answer |
There is no data regarding differential unemployment rates for migrants from a discrimination point of view. The Romanian state restricts however third country nationals coming to Romania for labour purposes, through a specific yearly established quota. |
Qualitative Info |
According to Government Emergency Ordinance 194/2002, Art 5, (1), a), the Government establishes annually the number of work authorizations which can be issued to foreigners (third country nationals) according to the provisions of specific legislation regarding the employment and detachment of foreigners to Romania. [1] According to the Government Emergency Ordinance 56/2007 on the employment and detachment of foreigners on the Romanian territory, Art. 5, i) and j), asylum seekers who have been within the asylum procedure for more than one year as well as tolerated persons, for the period of toleration may be employed without a work authorization (the right to work for tolerated persons has been added in 2011 through Law 157/2011). [2] Through Government Decision No. 1261/2011, the Romanian Government established a quota of 5,500 work authorizations for foreigners for 2012 [3], equal with the quota established for 2011, but with 2,500 less than for 2010 [4]. Through Government Decision No. 1253/2012, the same number of work authorizations (5500) was kept for 2013 [5]. According to a 2011 Soros Foundation Romania study [6], the access and participation of foreign workers on the Romanian labour market are made difficult by the following: - the lack of a strict legal framework regarding the functioning of firms which recruit and place foreign labour force - often times the commission of intermediaries is more than the salaries the workers make within a year in Romania, the costs for obtaining the work authorization and the stay permit are either paid by the worker before arriving to Romania or deduced from the salary during the period of work; - the migrant worker does not know the whole content of the labour contract many times only drafted in Romanian, or some of its provisions are not respected by the employer, - the negotiated salary is many times not the salary received, - the working quota is oversized, without payment of extra hours The whole study was drafted on the basis of a documentation research, research on the perception of the Romanian population of third country nationals (qualitative and quantitative components), qualitative research among third country nationals with regards to their integration in Romanian society, qualitative research in order to identify the information methods and channels with regards to third country nationals issues.
Sources: 1. Government Emergency Ordinance 194/2002 on the status of foreigners in Romania 2. Government Emergency Ordinance 56/2007 on the employment and detachment of foreigners on the Romanian territory 3. Government Decision No. 1261/2011, available at (Date of access: 23.01.2013). 4. Romanian Office for Immigration, Analiza cu privire la eliberarea autorizatiilor de munca in anul 2010 (Analysis on the release of work authorizations for the year 2010), 2011, p. 16, available at: (Date of access: 23.01.2013.) 5. General Inspectorate for Immigration, Angajatorii români pot obţine 5.500 de autorizaţii de muncă pentru lucrătorii străini în 2013 (Romanian employers can obtain 5.500 work authorizations for foreign workers in 2013), Press release, 17.01.2013, available at (Date of access: 23.01.2013.) 6. Iris Alexe and Bogdan Paunescu (coord), Study on the Immigration phenomenon in Romania. The integration of foreigners in Romanian society. , 2011, Soros Foundation Romania, pp. 41-42, available at: (Accessed on 29.01.2012)
Data | |
Groups affected/interested | Migrants, Refugees, Asylum seekers |
Type (R/D) | Xenophobia |
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas | Employment - labour market |
External Url | |
Situation(s) |
Library |