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Is there a formal national strategy on social and/or community cohesion?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
14/02/2012 - 12:43
Short Answer


Qualitative Info

In 2000 the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs adopted Program boja proti revščini in socialni izključenosti [Program against poverty and social exclusion], deriving from the awareness of the importance of measures for decreasing social exclusion, a complex social phenomenon that can never be completely eliminated, demanding constant activities and measures to decrease both poverty and social exclusion, aimed at long-term social exclusion of individuals and their families. The program envisions a number of strategic, legislative and other measures to effectively combat social exclusion and poverty.

In 2004 Nacionalni akcijski načrt o socialnem vključevanju (2004-2006) [National action plan on social inclusion (2004-2006)] was adopted. Priority goals for the period 2004-2006 were to increase the educational level of the active population, decreasing structural disparities in order to decrease the number of long-term unemployed persons, inclusion of young unemployed adults into employment programs, increasing employability of disabled persons, increase of employment and development of social partnership.

In 2008 Nacionalno poročilo o strategijah socialne zaščite in socialnega vključevanja 2008-2010 [Report on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2008-2010] was submitted in the framework of the EU Open Method of Coordination. The national report includes Nacionalni akcijski načrt za socialno vključevanje [National Action Plan for Social Inclusion] which sets three priorities: income support to weaker members of the society in order to prevent social exclusion, inclusive labour market for combating poverty and social exclusion and ensuring access to social services.


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Ethnic minorities, Majority, Persons with disability, National minorities
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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