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Are there migrants' consultative/advisory/representative bodies established by law?

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
16/03/2012 - 11:45
Short Answer

No, there are no migrants' consultative/advisory/representative bodies established by law, although the government promotes the establishment of migrants' consultative/advisory/representative bodies through the funding of ethnic associations, which is provided by law. 



Qualitative Info


Ethnic Associations working with  language, culture, identity and participation in the community can apply for funding, but this is limited to  national ethnic organizations (, accessed 2012-03-10.


The Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs, which is a government agency, is assigned to allocate funds to ethnic associations (


There are Ethnic organisations established especially to function as consultative/advisory/representative bodies for migrants. The government consult with these migrant organisations and other migrant NGO's on a regular basis. 

One good example is SIOS ( Samarbetsorgan för etniska organisationer i Sverige) which works for  ethnic minorities that want to create  a multicultural society in collaboration with all democratic forces in Sweden. At present, SIOS is constituted of 20 national associations, representing approximately 350 local associations and 75 000 members throughout Sweden  ( accessed 2012-03-10. 

Another example is the Centre Against Racism which is an umbrella organisation with 80 ethnic member organisations and about 65 000 members. The Centre works with all discrimination grounds and promotes the right for all ethnic minorities, national minorities, migrants regardless of status to participate in society on equal terms terms without discrimination and racism.  ( 





Förordning (2008:63) om statsbidrag till organisationer bildade på etnisk grund, (accessed 2012-03-10). 

Ungdomsstyrelsen, (accessed 2012-03-10). 

SIOS, The cooperation Group for Ethnic Associations in Sweden, (accessed 2012-03-10). 
The Centre Against Racism (Centrum mot rasism), (accessed 2012-03-10). 
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Asylum seekers, Africans/black people
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political participation, Integration - social cohesion
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