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Is there automatic citizenship acquisition by birth for migrant children born in the country?

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
16/03/2012 - 10:47
Short Answer

Only if the child has one parent who is Swedish citizen or has been adopted by a Swedish citizen.

Qualitative Info


According to the Act on Swedish Citizenship (Lagen om svenskt medborgarskap, 2001:82) § 1 MedbL ( a child acquires Swedish citizenship at birth, if the mother is a Swedish citizen or the father is a Swedish citizen and married to the child's mother, or the father is deceased but at his death was a Swedish citizen and married to the child's mother. A child under twelve years who has been adopted by a Swedish citizen is at the time of adoption as a rule automatically Swedish citizen (1 a §).

The government plans to launch an inquiry to study Swedish citizenship in hopes of finding ways to boost its value and use it as a tool for integration. The Citizenship investigation will be completed April 1, 2013 ( 


Medborgarskapsutredningen, SOU 2000:106, (accessed 2012-03-10). 

The Local, (accessed 2012-03-10). 

The Act on Swedish Citizenship (Lagen om svenskt medborgarskap, 2001:82), (accessed 2012-03-10). 

Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political participation
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