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Has there been a thorough evaluation/assessment of the effectiveness of the national implementation of EU Anti-discrimination Directives?

Key Area:
Anti-discrimination Legislation & Implementation
Discrimination, Equality
10/01/2012 - 22:09
Short Answer

No official assessment was ever carried out, just research or scholary papers.

Qualitative Info

The only regular assesment of the implementation of the law transposing the two anti-discrimination Directives is carried out by the Legal Network of Experts in the non-discrimination field (, which compiles annually a country report on the implementation of the Directives. The report does not arrive at any recommendations, but it does record a number of aspects of implementation which are problematic, such as the reluctance of the Court to recognise and justify positive measures, the process of repealling laws containing discriminatory provisions, the non allocation of  adequate resources to the equality body to enable it to carry out its function, etc.

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Asylum seekers, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Persons with disability
Type (R/D) Religious intolerance, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Nationalism, Homophobia, On grounds of disability, On grounds of other belief
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Housing, Health and social protection, Education
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