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Problems with educational attainement by certain groups (drop out - fragmentation of educational experience)?

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
17/02/2012 - 15:49
Short Answer

No information

Qualitative Info

No conclusions can be drawn in the absence of systematic data. The group that is often connected with drop out is the Roma, but there is no evidence as to how many of them, if any, drop out and then return to school or how this affects their educational perfomance. In Cyprus one of the measures adopted to encourage school attendance at the schools with a large Roma school population  is to offer free meals to school children. Teachers report that this measure has to a certain extent rendered positive results, although the Roma continue to be at risk of dropping out.

Data n/a
Groups affected/interested Roma & Travelers
Type (R/D) Anti-roma/ romaphobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Education
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