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Is policing reported to be adequate in terms of combating racist violence/hate crime effectively?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Crime Legislation & Implementation
16/02/2012 - 16:37
Short Answer

There is no up-to-date reports on this issue available from authoritative sources.

Qualitative Info

One manner in which to analyse the operational effectiveness of the Finnish police in combating racist violence is to look at how well the police identify racist characteristics. The police officers are supposed to mark the report of an offence with a racism code, if he/she or the victim suspects that the incident was racially motivated. However,the annual reports on hate crime (previously annual reports on racist crime) disclose that approximately only 40 per cent of the reports of an offence contained in the annual report are marked with the racism code. Accordingly, each year the researcher of the annual report identifies several additional reports of an offence with racist characteristics.

Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities, Majority, Asylum seekers, Africans/black people, National minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-semitism, Islamophobia, Afrophobia, Arabophobia, Anti-roma/zinghanophobia, Religious intolerance, Inter-ethnic, Intra-ethnic, Nationalism, Anti-roma/ romaphobia, Xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-racism
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