France - 2012
Does national legislation provide specific sanctions against public servants reported as perpetrators of racist violence/hate crime?
- Code:
- RED31
- Key Area:
- Anti-racist Crime Legislation & Implementation
- Strand(s):
- Racism
Short Answer |
Yes |
Qualitative Info |
Following the adoption of the law n°2004-204 of 9 of March 2004 on the Adaptation of Justice to New Forms of Criminality, racist and anti-Semitic motivations can be taken into account as aggravating circumstances applicable to all existing offences defined by the Criminal Code (Chapter IV, Section 1 of the law n°2004-204). Sentences for this kind of crimes are even more aggravated when the perpetrators are public officials or other officials representing the State. Specific sanction is the prohibition to hold public office (permanent or temporary for maximum 5 years).
Groups affected/interested | |
Type (R/D) | |
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas | Anti-racism |
External Url |;jsessionid=A0C335D18BF33757232B679BEA7FD85E.tpdjo08v_1?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006070719&idArticle=LEGIARTI000006417501&dateTexte=20120102&categorieLien=id#LEGIARTI000006417501 |
Situation(s) |
Library |