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Public administration (including judiciary and executive) reflects the ethnic diversity of society?

Key Area:
Political & Civic Participation
25/01/2013 - 11:05
Short Answer

Migrants continue to be under-represented in all fields of public administration which therefore does not reflect the ethnic diversity of society.

Qualitative Info

Migrants continue to be under-represented in all fields of public administration which therefore does not reflect the ethnic diversity of society. Even though migrants are generally disadvantaged on the German labour market, this holds especially true for their under-representation in public administration. However, several Länder governments and municipalities have made efforts to increase the number of migrant employees in public administration and the police force also wants to increasingly incorporate the issue of ethnic diversity.

In December 2012, an OECD study on integration showed that in the case of Germany the proportion of people with a migration background working in the public sector is one of the lowest of all analysed countries. According to the study only 13.4 per cent of people born to immigrant parents in Germany work in the public sector while 25.8 per cent of those born to German parents have a job in the public sector [4].



  1. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Migrantenkinder werden benachteiligt, 15.10.2009,, Accessed 05.01.2012.
  2. Liebig, Thomas/ Widmaier Sarah (2009), “Children of Immigrants in the Labour Markets of EU and OECD Countries: An Overview”, OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers no. 97; p.36,, Accessed 05.01.2012.

  3. Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (Bundesbeauftragte für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration), Migranten im öffentlichen Dienst,, Accessed on 16.01.2012.

  4. OECD integration study (2012):, Accessed on 17.01.2013.


Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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