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Is there a formal national strategy on the integration of migrants/minorities?

Key Area:
Policies On Integration - Cohesion
28/02/2012 - 17:31
Short Answer

Yes. There is a formal national strategy on the integration of migrants/minorities.

Qualitative Info

The German integration framework is based- under the motto “Promoting and demanding” (“Fördern und Fordern”)- on five pillars: language training, education, vocational qualification, social counselling services, and the promotion of integration into the local community in general.
The Immigration Act entering into force in January 2005 introduced state-run statutory integration measures in Germany. The most important element of German federal integration policy is the integration course programme. It consists of two components: a basic and an advanced language course, and an orientation course with the aim to obtain a basic knowledge of the legal system, culture, history and political system of Germany.
In 2007, the Federal Integration Commissioner, Maria Böhmer, introduced the National Integration Plan which forms a framework for all integration policies of the central government, the federal states, communities and civil society actors.
The Nationwide Integration Programme which was presented in September 2010 by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is highly linked to the National Integration Plan as it includes recommendations of how to implement themes addressed in the latter. Both the National Integration Plan and the results of the Nationwide Integration Programme were used to develop the National Action Plan, which was presented to the public in January 2012 by Chancellor Angela Merkel. The National Action Plan aims at formulating concrete, obligatory and testable integration goals.




Groups affected/interested
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Integration - social cohesion
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