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Media: Is there a visible presence (or absence) of members of target groups as media professionals?

Key Area:
Public Life, Culture, Sport & Media
Racism, Equality
25/01/2013 - 11:45
Short Answer

Media professionals with a migration background are highly underrepresented.

Qualitative Info

Journalists with a migration background are highly underrepresented in Germany. According to a nation-wide study in 2009, 84 per cent of all daily newspapers have no journalists with a migration background employed. Furthermore, only 1 per cent of all newspaper journalists have a migration background. The largest migrant groups are from Turkey (20 per cent), Poland (11 per cent) and Spain (9 per cent). It can be assumed that the public service broadcasters have a higher percentage of journalists with a migration background than the newspapers [1,2,3].

A report on the media usage of migrants in Germany (2010), shows very low numbers of people with migration background working in the media industry (as editors, journalist ect.). Depending on the single migrant groups their share in the media business varies between 0.3 per cent and 3.0 per cent [4].

Estimates suggest that only 2 to 3 per cent of journalists have a migration background [5, p.45].



  1. Rainer Geißler, Kristina Enders und Verena Reuter (2009), Ergebnisse der empirischen Studie zur Beteiligung von Journalisten mit Migrationshintergrund in den deutschen Printmedien,, Accessed on 20.02.2012.
  2. Rainer Geißler (2011), Welchen Beitrag leisten die Massenmedien zur Integration von Migranten? Forschungsbefunde zu Deutschland. Vortrag auf den Nürnberger Tagen zur Integration am 19. Mai 2011,;jsessionid=196090C6EF3D0E5A4EC8E971174F2B3B.1_cid251?__blob=publicationFile, Accessed on 20.02.2012.
  3. Beauftragte für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration (2007), Nationaler Integrationsplan. Arbeitsgruppe Medien – Vielfalt nutzen. Abschlussbericht,, Accessed on 20.02.2012.
  4. Mediennutzung von Migranten in Deutschland (2010), Federal Ministry of Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge):, Accessed on 21.01.2013.
  5. ENAR (2012). ENAR Shadow Report 2010-2011: Racism and related discriminatory practices in Germany,, Accessed on 28.03.2012.
Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Media
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