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In your country are there any non governmental organisations whose principal objectives relate to opposing/undermining racism and racist activity?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
10/01/2012 - 16:49
Short Answer


Some non-governmental organisations in Germany raise awareness about ideologies related to right-wing extremism, racism and xenophobia, in different areas of society, e.g. in sports, on the labour market or in schools.

Qualitative Info

Some of these non-governmental organisations, which raise awareness about ideologies related to right-wing extremism, racism and xenophobia are:

“Advice. Qualification. Migration.” (Beratung. Qualifierzierung. Migration.)

“Amadeu Antonio Foundation” (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung)

“Coalition for Action against Violence, right-wing Extremism and Xenophobia” (Aktionsbündnis gegen Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit)

“Courage – Network for Democracy and Courage” (registered association) (Courage – Netzwerk für Demokratie und Courage e.V.)

“Intercultural Council in Germany” (Interkultureller Rat in Deutschland)

“Miphgasch/Meeting” (registered association) (Miphgasch/Begegnung e.V.)

“Stand up! In Favour of a Cosmopolitan Germany” (registered association) (Gesicht zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland e.V.)

“Straight Talking!“ (registered association) (tacheles reden! e.V.)

“Work and Life – For a democratic Culture of Participation” (Arbeit und Leben – Für eine demokratische Kultur der Partizipation)


The projects of these non-governmental organisations support different groups of migrants and ethnic or religious minorities.

Some of the organisations or projects are supported by national funds.



The above mentioned Amadeu Antonio Foundation, for example, provides advice and supports victims of racist violene. There are 16 persons working for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation (AAS 2011a).

The foundation focuses on supporting the civil society in combating right-wing extremism, particularly in the new federal states of Germany. The foundation’s main aim is to empower people to develop their own local initiatives against racism and xenophobia. It provides funds for different kinds of projects especially in the fields of youth and school work, protection and support of victims(AAS 2011b). Moreover, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation develops own programmes and projects like the campaign “No Place for neo-Nazis” (Kein Ort für Neonazis) which attempts to prevent the stabilisation of neo-Nazi movements in Germany or the (re-) election of right-wing extremist parties to national or federal parliaments (AAS 2011c). Furthermore the foundation provides financial help for victims of right-wing extremist or racial violence through its CURA fund (AAS 2011d).


As part of the campaign “No Place for neo-Nazis” the foundation organises panel discussions, information meetings, concerts and other events before elections take place. Until now, the projects concentrates on the new federal states of Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania where parliaments were elected in 2009 and 2011 (AAS 2011c). The activities of the foundation contributed to the prevention of the election of the most popular right-wing extremist parties NPD and DVU to the parliaments of Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt.



Another organisation providing advice and support to victims of hate crime and racist violence is the “Coalition for Action against Violence, right-wing Extremism and Xenophobia” (Aktionsbündnis gegen Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit).

Around 65 organisations from Brandenburg constitute the coalition (Aktionsbündnis 2011a).

The coalition implements measures against violence, right-wing extremism and xenophobia, and has been active since its establishment in 1997. It diffuses knowledge, contributes to the public and political discussion about racism, develops projects and policy proposals and supports local associations and programmes (Aktionsbündnis 2011b).


To provide society with more information about right-wing extremism, racism and xenophobia, the coalition published the brochure “What democrats can do against right-wing extremism” (Was Demokraten gegen Rechtsextremismus tun können). The brochure informs about strategies and ideologies of right wingers, their organisations and parties and suggests possibilities for taking action against groups and persons of this milieu (Aktionsbündnis 2008). By distributing the brochure as well as other information material the organisation makes a contribution to the education of civil society on right-wing extremism in Germany. The coalition itself is most proud of its achievements in encouraging citizens´ initiatives, protesting against the DVU and its election rallies before the federal election in Brandenburg in 2009, developing a commission for refugees and organising events at the war memorial site in Halbe (Aktionsbündnis 2011c). Moreover, some of the organisations in the coalition directly support victims of right-wing extremism violence. For example, the association “Victim Perspective” (Opferperspektive) works as a help desk for victims and their relatives offering psychological, judicial, social or political assistance and help (Aktionsbündnis 2011d).


Groups affected/interested Migrants, Refugees, Roma & Travelers, Muslims, Ethnic minorities, Religious minorities, Linguistic minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia, Anti-semitism, Islamophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market, Education, Culture, Sport, Political participation, Integration - social cohesion
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