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Legal obstacles to access employment in the public sector under equal conditions for migrants

Key Area:
Discrimination, Equality
23/01/2012 - 12:52
Short Answer

Yes, partly. There are no legal obstacles to access employment in the public sector, except for the area of civil service which, in principle, only German nationals and EU citizens are entitled to work in.

Qualitative Info

Whereas a person, irrespective of nationality, can be employed in the public sector (e.g. by the city), one can only become a civil servant if one is a German national, or has the nationality of another EU country (art. 7 BBG). Consequently, third country migrants cannot be employed as civil servants, but only as employees in the public sector.

The Microcensus data reveal a substantial under-representation of migrants in the public services. Persons with a migration background were represented in the public services only by 9.6 per cent in 2010 (2009: 9.8 per cent) compared to18.2 per cent (2009: 18.7 per cent) of persons without a migration background. Foreigners were employed in the public services even less often, with a rate of solely 7.7 per cent for 2010 (2009: 8.1).




Groups affected/interested Migrants
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Employment - labour market
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