25/01/2013 - 15:47
Short Answer |
Yes. In the area of housing, the degree of discrimination remains significant. |
Qualitative Info |
In the area of housing, the degree of discrimination remains significant as several studies show. According to a study conducted by the social scientist Emsal Kılıç [1], discrimination exclusively occurs due to the foreign sounding name [4, p. 17 ff.].
Further, the AGG features shortcomings as it contains exceptional regulations that limit prohibition of housing discrimination on grounds of ´race` or ethnic origin. Discriminatory treatment is allowed in order to maintain socially stable housing structures and a ‘balanced mixture concerning the economic, social and cultural composition of a neighbourhood’ [3].
Although the housing situation of migrants has improved in the last few years, migrants have to pay a higher rent, have less per-capita living space and lesser ownership rates compared to persons without a migration background [2, 43 ff.].
Emsal Kılıç, Diskriminierung von Migranten bei der Wohnungssuche- eine Untersuchung in Berlin, Schriften der Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung- gegen Diskriminierung, Berlin 2010.
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF) (2008), Daten zu Wohnverhältnissen und innerstädtischer Segregation von Migranten, Working Paper 21, http://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Publikationen/WorkingPapers/wp21-wohnen-innerstaedtische-segregation.pdf?__blob=publicationFile, Accessed on 12.12.2011, p.43f.
General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, AGG), 14.08.2006, http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bundesrecht/agg/gesamt.pdf, Accessed on 30.11.2011.
Hieronymus, Andreas/ Fögen, Ines/ Mehreoglu, Yücel/ Kröger, Justin, ENAR Shadow report 2009/2010 - Racism and Discrimination in Germany, http://cms.horus.be/files/99935/MediaArchive/Germany.pdf, Accessed on 05.01.2012, p. 17f.
Groups affected/interested |
Roma & Travelers,
Ethnic minorities,
Religious minorities,
Linguistic minorities,
National minorities
Type (R/D) |
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas |
External Url |
Situation(s) |
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