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Parties that express xenophobic discourse in the form of hate speech or promote an anti-migrant and/or anti-minority agenda

Key Area:
Political Parties-organisations - Racist & Xenophobic Discourse
12/11/2011 - 20:01
Short Answer

Yes. Golden Dawn, LAOS.

Qualitative Info

Chrysi Avgi (‘Golden Dawn’) was founded as a political organisation in the ‘80s. It was registered as a political party in 1993 (the magazine 'Chrysi Avgi' started publishing in 1980). Between 2005 and 2007 it had been absorbed by the Patriotic Alliance which ceased its operations after the withdrawal of support by the GD leader, Nikolaos Mihaloliakos. It has participated in national and European elections, as part of the Patriotic Alliance until 2007, and as autonomous list since 2009. In the 2010 municipal elections they have elected for the first time a municipal councilor in the City of Athens. It is accused to have committed series of attacks against immigrants, and antiracist citizens. It increased rapidly its political profile by receiving almost 7% of the popular vote in the consecutive May and June Elections in Greece. Currently it is represented in the Parliament with 21 seats. Throughout 2012 ‘Golden Dawn’ has seen its popular support increasing – as recorded by polls – despite violent incidents and illegal practices by its Parliament deputies and members.

More info:

·  The Guardian, Greece's Golden Dawn isn't a political party – it's more like a criminal gang, Accessed on 4.9.2012.

·  The Business Insider, Greek Neo-Nazis Golden Dawn Are The Only Major Party To Gain Popularity Since Elections. Accessed on 6.9.2012

·  The Telegraph, Rise of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party leads to spate of immigrant attacks in Greece, Accessed on 13 June 2012.

·  Petition for a Judicial Investigation against Golden Dawn. Investigate Greece´s Golden Dawn neo-Nazi Party. Accessed on 12.9.2012

·  Ekathimerini,  Lawmakers can be arrested in some cases, says prosecutor, 18.9.2012

·  Ekathimerini, Golden Dawn, police at loggerheads,, 10.9.2012

An article on factors contributing to the rise o hate speech in Greek society and a neonazi party in the Parliament (in Greek):

Pavlou M., The rise of hate speech/ when a plane crashes: 6.7.2012.

Google translation:


LAOS was founded in 2000. It elects European MP since 2004, and national MPs since 2007. It participates with candidates in all elections (regional and local). The program of the party  contains a section on irregular immigrants, considering them to be ‘the most serious plague of the Greek society today’

For the first time since 2007, in May and June 2012 LAOS did not manage to achieve more than the threshold of 3% of the vote, and was not represented in the 2012 elected Parliament.


Parties Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos (LAOS) Popular Orthodox Alert, Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn)
Size - Membership 425.990 voters voted for Golden Dawn at the June 2012 elections
Electoral power Golden Dawn: 6.97% (2012 national elections), 5.29% (2010 municipal elections in Athens) LAOS: 2.86% (2012 national elections)
Groups affected/interested Migrants, Ethnic minorities
Type (R/D) Extremism - organised Racist Violence, Anti-migrant/xenophobia
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Political discourse -parties - orgs
External Url
Golden Dawn's electoral rise and escalating violence & hate speech in Greece
Neo-Nazi "Golden Dawn" party re-enters the Greek parliament with 6,92% of votes and 18 deputies
RAXEN Thematic Study: Racist and related hate crimes in the EU - Greece
Hate on the Streets