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Are there examples of anti-racist anti-discrimination organisations' activity having a positive impact on anti-racist policies?

Key Area:
Anti-racist Policies & Organisations
15/01/2012 - 22:23
Short Answer

The impact of NGOs is difficult to measure, because the involement of NGOs by the government into policy making or legislatiion processes is low, and the intensity of consultation mechanisms based on dialogue between the government and civil society is insufficient. 

Qualitative Info

The impact of NGOs is difficult to measure, because the involement of NGOs by the government into policy making or legislatiion processes is low, and the intensity of consultation mechanisms based on dialogue between the government and civil society is insufficient. In September 2011, following an ad hoc roundtable meeting with the State Secretary for Social Inclusion, human rights and anti-discrimination organizations issued an open letter, requiring the government to involve civil society actors more substantially into the process of Hungary's participation in the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR). [1]

[1] See the English version of the joint letter published on the webpage of Amnesty International Hungary: 'Human rights organisations called on the Hungarian government to regularly consult civil society in relation to the effective implementation of the recommendations formulated by the UN Human Rights Council during Hungary’s Universal Periodic Review", available at: (Last accessed: 13.03.2012.)

Groups affected/interested
Type (R/D)
Key socio-economic / Institutional Areas Anti-racism
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